Together we make a difference through five areas of impact.

The Kizimani Learning Center.
Our next big project is to build a vocational training and learning center that will provide classrooms and equipment for students to learn job skills and prepare for employment.
The Kizimani Learning Center will provide:
Vocational training in carpentry, hair styling, and other basic computer training
Educational support for all K-12 students to support academic achievement
A learning facility for all Kizimani educational programs
A gathering place for the community for Kizimani Worship Day, youth camps, and other events
How we serve.
The Need
For the families, in the rural village of Kivaani, Kenya where we serve, they earn less than $1 a day, walk an average of five miles to fetch unsanitary water, have a 50% drop out rate in high school due to lack of money to pay for tuition, and have inadequate access to healthcare where there is one doctor for every 1,000 people.
We invite you to help change this.
The Solution
Kizimani is helping to build flourishing communities in Kenya to address access to clean water, to provide educational scholarships, to ensure quality healthcare is available to all, to provide access to enterprise opportunities, and to encourage spiritual formation.
We invite you to join us.
Our Vision
The entire community is flourishing through a water well system that delivers clean drinking water, reduces waterborne illnesses, and is sustainable financially through community investment.
Children and youth thrive academically through educational sponsorships.
Youth and adults achieve gainful employment through a Kizimani Learning Center, where they can take vocational training classes.
Youth and adults flourish through entrepreneurial training and financial assistance to start profitable new businesses.
Health Care
The health needs of people are met through the Kizimani Mission Clinic, providing basic medical care.
Spiritual Formation
The spiritual life of individuals is thriving through Bible studies, day camps, and widow support programs.
Partner with Kizimani.

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